Art ClassArt JournalThe 100 Day Project

Mixed Media Art Journal Page: The Stories In My Eyes

The Process

Sharon Harkness-Dobler took us through a creative process of adding paint, colors, marks, and layers of various types to our page to create the underpainting. She then explained how to abstract an image from the underpainting and make it come to life.

Here is my underpainting:

Here is the finished art journal page:

My Interpretation

I could not have foreseen what would emerge from the underpainting, but I find it interesting. I feel like it’s a representation of me and my youngest daughter, Madison, on a boat in an adventure. I titled it “Stories in My Eyes” which is the poetic way Madison first explained her dreams to me when she was three or four. Perhaps this is us on an adventure in one of her dreams.

I never would have created this imagery or composition had I not gone through Sharon’s process. I really enjoyed the messy intuitive freedom and the billions of unique results that could come from it.

About Sharon Harkness-Dobler

Also known as Yellow Rose, Sharon is an American expat, artist and dreamer based in Germany. Her mixed media art often distorts proportion, uses bold colors, and features happy people with positive messages. Her Instagram feed is a feast for the eyes. You can also see art in her online gallery.

Tags: acrylic, Art Journal, art lesson, LifeBook, mixed media

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