Art Class

Free Online Art Class: Sketchbook Revival

For the record, I am not affiliated in any way with this course. I’m merely an online art course junkie pointing out a free opportunity for artists.

It’s time to sign up for Sketchbook Revival again! Sketchbook Revival is a free online course led in the spring by Karen Abend. She brings together a community of teachers and rolls out new lessons daily for the duration of the workshop. The lessons are generally short in nature and  inspire creative practice, get your creativity flowing, and share tips and techniques from experts.

Course Outline

The workshop begins March 23rd and and runs through April 3rd. The artists leading the sessions will share their passions for creating with everything from ink and graphite, to watercolor and acrylics, and collage and mixed media. You’ll also get ideas of how sketchbooks can be tools for observing your worldstretching your imaginationplaying with color, emotional healing and wellbeing, and so much more.

The Journal or Sketchbook

This will be my third year enrolled in Sketchbook Revival. The first and second year, it began with how to make your own journal or sketchbook. I’m pretty sure it will start the same way in 2020. There is absolutely no rule that you must use a handmade journal. You can 100% do the classwork in an existing journal, but I caution you to make sure the paper is strong enough to handle wet media. Check out my list of art journal supply recommendations if you aren’t sure.


Then, daily lessons were released with an email reminder. In the first year, I did not keep up with the course daily and thought I’d come back later to view the lessons — that’s not a good idea with this course. Not long after it ends, the lessons are put behind lock and key. Then, for a reasonable price, you can access them forever. Karen published this year’s coursework will remain accessible through April 26, 2020.

I plan to make an effort to skim the videos daily while they are still free and see which ones I want to invest time in. They aren’t all my cup of tea, but that’s the beauty of a variety course.


The list of contributing artists for 2020 is impressive.  I’m especially excited to take Karen Stamper’s session. I’m a fan and I’ve never had the pleasure of taking a course from her.  I have taken and enjoyed classes in the past from several of the contributing instructors including Tamara LaPorte,  Ildiko Karsay, MaryBeth Shaw, and Amber Kuileimailani Bonnici. To see all of the contributing artists, jump over to the Sketchbook Revival site.


Even if you only watch one or two videos, this seems like a no brainer. I signed up. Hope to see you in class!

Register for the Sketchbook Revival Online Art Course

Tags: art class, art lesson, mixed media, sketch

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